Tuesday, November 18, 2008

plans for the next week

my mind is shot. my legs are tired-my arms feel broken and cartilageless. my throat is dry, my eyes are strained, and the bed calls me back every second. but i gotta go on-gotta complete the next chapter of my life that eerily feels already written. all i have to do is step through the door, and off i go.

fer the next week, the following agenda

-get sleep
-get equipped
-cram out some tests and projects
-follow the schedule i have for my final project
-hang out with ppl
-go home
-talk with advisors to see if i am getting out of here

if i fail to do any of this stuff, then i sign over the right to ppl i know to punch me back into submission. that is my promise; that is my goal; that is my plan.

after all this, i dunno what's next, but for now, this is my life-a big grocery list and a balancing act. *sigh* now, onto the show...

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