Saturday, November 8, 2008

fergot my food =(

my bed and kinetic energy are my ultimate drugs.

friday morn was havin sleep prolems again. shouldn't be eatin too late, i spose. went to lib fer histry class. learned bout the large amount of resources they have for advertising and american analysis. particularly would like to listen up to some that old jazz when i find the time.

philo, ran through the two stories of camus. found out that she still wants my midterm, dunno how i'm gonna trudge through this one. came back to base to nap and get some work done.

went out to the city, time got cut a bit short. next week, we're havin field day. semi-anticipatin it. headaches in the car on the way back.

thought the lan party was friday night, ended up breaking into olney accidentally. headed over to commuter lounge, played some pool, got some food.

was seein if people were doin nethin, nothin really. chilled for a bit at neuman, then back to base for sleep.

woke up again, couple hours later. phone calls, then back to sleep, then false alarms, then back to sleep. whole day was spent crack nappin and eating. gotta try to get some work done tnight, or get sleep...prolly sleep.


lights-i'm lookin for them and wantin to be one. that pretty much sums up my goals for the next 30 years.


recognizing patterns and being self-aware; it lulls us into a false sense of control. you always gotta be on your feet, no matter how vested in time, experience or skill you are.

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