Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 soups, 3 slices bread, pineapple, chicken tenders, jello, grapeade, 2 cookies

what's a 6 letter word for loser? Nasdaq.

attempted to get some long sleep tday, but was mentally woken up. got some breakfast, then worked on some overdue business hw. went to forensics, learned about blood spatter and the tricks behind identification and location. pretty sweet old school learning.

came back to base, got some ice cream from a friend, chilled in room for a bit. went to dinner at treetops but went to b&g after hearin "taco bar". dinner was aright, but some of the stuff was either overcooked or left out a bit long. stupid soup burnin finger too.

back to base again. maybe do some work or take a longer nap.


at dinner, went to get a plate fer my wings. no plates around, since it was late, and the glass ones don't hold as much. went to the sandwich area to get one, and they decided to be real "richards" about it. it always seems it's from any sandwich place, and only the sandwich places.

the larger picture behind it is you sayin no, while clearly you are in a position where you're obligated and hired to serve others. furthermore, you're in a position of serving and you chose to be in that position, most likely for monetary compensation. what the hell are you doing refusing service to people? that's your friggin reponsibility.

it also seems that they coincidentally have the same look. for me, i'm a guy that hates stereotyping. usually i speak from personal experience and kinda investigate what "the truth" is before making my own judgments. however, it's becoming kinda sad that it boils down to whom respect is gonna be given solely based on outer appearance and connotation.

basically don't pull that disrespect on people. there's no good reason to type anyone, nor is there any reason to deny service solely because you felt you needed a power trip. like jay-z said, if you got problems, i feel bad for you, son. but if you're gonna act as the problem and not the solver, then step away from people when you do it.

well, i haven't served my country yet, but i've served my share of people. taken their trash, their insults, their disgust and hatred, and absolute nonsense. extend some courtesy to people; you wanna treat others like animals or non-humans, then i'm glad to oblige and lodge a chair in your forehead.


damn it usher, you were and are still spot on.

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