Saturday, October 25, 2008

wedding soup, grapeade, mushronion ricefish, sugar cookies, pears

took a couple days to get back to "reality"

vacation was bummish. at the end, all i felt was compelled to leave home. an arduous route back-took a bus at 2:00 am, and landed in NY in 3 hours. still dark and nothin open, had to kill 2 hours and find shelter. fortunately there was a starbucks open at 5:30. stuck around until 7 to catch the ride back.

took a day break or two. forensics test on thursday, followed by blown time. tday, got good news bout my histry midterm, but might end up on the precipice of failing philosophy. hopefully that doesn't come to be.

chilled fer a bit at base, then went out to LW. was feelin so so, bein semi-sick and all. long day tmr-hopefully i can fulfill all my obligations, if not, at least the important ones.

while comin back to my room, got hassled by an SDR booth person again. this is the 2nd time i've been mistaken for someone who doesn't go here. this means 2 things-one is that they're crap at their jobs, and the other is that i don't look like someone who goes here. that makes me feel all warm inside.

gon take a nap, and wish my people well.


dunno what i wanna do right now. last couple days, really felt like quittin school. if i had to give a reason why, no reason, only feelings. tnight was kinda diggin into me. still tryin to "find my place" in this world. but small group study kinda gave me the light bulb inspiration to do somethin. will embark on this in the next couple of weeks, and by then, control will be established.


for what you do, and what you believe, be loud, proud, and to the clouds.

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