Tuesday, October 14, 2008

pizza, hungarian mushroom soup, sloppy joes, grapeade. fruits, angel cake

this note will be the break for my sanity for the next 2 days.

woke up early to cram for nutrition exam. could not store information at all. thought the forensics case was due today, but it's actually thursday, so now i won't have to make up an excuse fer not havin it.

had a lecture about hair in forensics and did a microscope lab with it. rabbit hair is invisible, i swear.

more studyin for nutrtion test, not even the powerpoints are helpin. as long as i don't fail this one, i'm good for perhaps the semester. still have to do the dietary analysis though. will prolly cheat and eat all prepackaged foods for the numbers.

after this test, prolly gonna head to library to pick up some research so that i can crank out a draft fer econ and also gotta study for part 2 of histry test. no sleep tnight and tmr, cause of philo midterm as well. hope the grand inquisitor is ostentatious and showy-gon need a distraction for sleep.

after basically failing the nutrition test, came back to base. got some extra (but little) time to relax before the all night workathon. wish me well.


in next couple of days, will be planning out how i'm spending my vacation. this time i'm gonna do it a bit more methodically instead of hopin or doing whatever i feel like. won't feel like wasted time. would want to take care of business, family, friends, self, and catchin up with some ol roots.

feels good to be goal oriented, keeps you in focus, at least fer the time being. walkin back here, i can find myself gettin distracted by the world around. visual stimuli, bills to pay, people to talk to, important issues and the whatnot. but that only roots you in stubbornness if you seek one thing, and don't get it at that point.

point being, is you can't get stuck in your ways, your own desires. although they may be important, you gotta be ready to change, to give it up fer the better, for others, for a greater cause. what that cause may be, well...that's up to you, but you should never fear or avoid the potential hurt in order to change and grow and ultimately get what you were seeking.


all i want to do is wake up again.

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