Friday, October 3, 2008

baked fish, fries, apple pie, hungarian soup, grapeade

haven't watched baseball for a while. saw some last night, and all i wanna do is grab my crotch every inning, zambrano style, and take viagra (yknow, for the lulz)

still no good sleep. must need to work out or work out before sleeping. did some biological research, then headed to histry, where black civil rights were elaborated on. learned about plessy vs ferguson, brown vs board of ed, and the horrors of lynching. simply put, people were more radical and expressive in yesteryears.

philosophy, more about sartre. was able to prove i actually did some reading. class went smoothly, and we'll be talking more about him on monday. got an A on my paper and most ppl did too, so if i pass the midterm, i'll be set.

had some meetings with my professors bout the seminar paper. still no one readily available that i wanted to talk to. however, did cement a good direction as to how the paper's gonna go.

came back to base after brunch. contemplating what i have to do fer today and the week ahead.


today in philo class, we talked about responsibility of man and how he feels anxiety, both at responsibility and the possibilities that responsibility has lay before him. one thing that stood out was that there was this vicious cycle between acting and feeling. it's that we don't know what we feel, until we act. however we don't act, unless we are on feeling. my counterpoint is that in order to break or begin the cycle, one needs to think.

yesterday, i had a conversation with a friend and told him that mistakes can be predictable. some people make bad choices relative to what is good, and some people make the best choices based on what they do or can, even if the choice itself is murky.

another friend said don't let your emotions overcome your intelligence. in that aspect, it is prudent for us to understand and be educated on life, and what should be and shouldn't be. it is that sometimes we must learn not to overstate the importance of feelings in terms of logical calculation and sense.

it's perhaps pursuing a balance between not being a hedonist swayed to emotions and a logician, only going by the numbers.


tonight i will see what direction the fellowship will head, and tonight i'll make my decision as to whether stay here, or break.

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