Monday, October 6, 2008

pasta e fagioli, grapeade, jack's chick sandwich, fries

3 for 3 in being paired with crappy roommates.

went to sleep early to get some work done. got woken up mid morning by sounds of roommate flushing toilet and coughing his lungs out. yeah, i know he's sick, but it's intolerable.

went back to sleep and woke up again around 9:30 am. had 3 weird dreams that felt so vivid. one involved me being naked on bolyston street, walking into a victoria's secret, and finding money and what appeared to be my hoodie. another involved 4 other people finding a new church and subsequently splitting up in order to grab breakfast in the dorchester area. the last one involved 5 mono but separately colored birds. a blue bird named captain perry tried to shoot himself, but the bullet richocheted off his head. was something out of madagascar or somethin.

to histry, where we recapped abotu coney island and how it was a reactionary place to the victorian ideals america incorporated in the 1900s. entertainment and sexual freedom were at a rise, much like today.

philosophy, where we talked about sartre some more. we denied the determinism laid out upon us by our environment and instead reinforced self-determinism: man is not born a coward, but is a coward by his actions. my counterargument is that it is not the forces at play, but the magnitude to which the forces affect the will. it's about breaking points relative to the individual.

lunch, then went to the lab to get make up work done. went into a steroid sleep, and coincidentally learned about steroids too via apparently, viagra can double as a steroid. +1 for BALCO.

still gon be doing work prolly fer the whole day. this week is gonna be dependant upon how much work gets handed out in the next 3 days. 2 mid terms on monday, and a paper due on next wednesday, so it'll be a crunch if i can go home.

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