Friday, October 10, 2008

chicken salad, shrimp cutlet, chocochip cookie, grapeade, italian wedding soup

my mind never sleeps, but my body has to.

woken up at 4:30 thinkin about people. got an extra bread from doing so. went back to sleep and woke up again before my alarm at 9:20. took a hack at reading sartre's "nausea" fer class. did not draw any philsophical meaning from it. maybe that was the point :shrugs:

to histry, where we picked up some more material we needed to study for the mid term. apparently coney island was a place of sexual freedom and vibrancy. Furthermore, people became reactionaries and muckrakers to all the social injustice and working conditions for the lower and working classes. seems to me that if we have this struggle all the time throughout history, then perhaps we have really not learned nor decided to change from it at all. maybe complacency, maybe apathy. all i know is representatives are needed from each class for each class across classes and open a link of communication and steps towards improvement.

talked to my econ professors bout the seminar paper. sigh of relief when i found out that i don't have to condense all my findings into one sentence. got a couple of resources and more ideas towards how i want to explain business failure rates. might decide to go back to school after graduation, but my spirits are not there as of right now.

the talks went so long that i basically skipped philo class. or rather, i came in with 5 minutes left fer class. the mid term is a take home and due wednesday. also, we're seein a play on one of the books we read, and consequently don't have class on friday. after thinkin about this, prolly not good. give up 3 hours to avoid 1? blah....this play better cure cancer.

brunch was simple but filling. bag broke a second time this week. gon have to either get a new one, or replace it with one from home.

in library righ now after doing som more research. the call for doin work is strong, but i'm tired again. need some sleep drugs, or ppl.

went back to sleep fer some more. got woken up by field music again. they play it evrytime they have a lame...

got picked up, went to banana leaf. had some generic wonton noodle soup. semi filling but kinda expensive. went to this ktv karaoke place, which killed the mood so much. would not recommend the place ever, unless you gotta stash drugs.

back to base, caught up for casino night. won an entourage dvd, and some crappy poker player got an iPod nano, while another got airfare tickets. tellin ya, there's some kinda balance in the world, as bad as it is.

now plannin what to do fer the weekend. maybe a lil birthday dinner, or maybe wings in the lounge again. blah.


some unchivalrous deeds tonight and made me switch up perspectives quick. wondering if this is that call for responsibility i'm lookin for and dreadin at the same time.


events happen once. concepts happen forever.

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