Saturday, February 13, 2010

raisin bran, sparkling water

procrastinatin what could be destiny. faithfully should be carried out first though.

tried this honey tranqulizer tip that i learned last night from family-it failed, and my legs ached as a result. woke to take care of some messages, check the mail, and see what was goin on in the internets. gamed fer a lil bit, and watched some old tv movies.

headed out to somerville to pick up a package. dumped in the middle of nowhere, got lost and accidently stumbled onto Tufts University. saw some of the campus, caught the "joey", and headed back to base from Davis.

project still left to do, makin some ol soup fer din. not wantin to yell on the web again tday.


tmr a couple things to look forward to. only lookin to do one thing though, and it involves sitting on a couch.


cgi's ruined a ton of movies. visual flair makes us all picasso fanatics.

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