Tuesday, February 16, 2010

honey nut oats, water

learned that NASA is possibly the worst reason for our budget deficit. costs about $450 mil to pull a mission, and the space shuttle Endeavor costs $1.7 billion.

opted to wake up early to get things done. got spooked by an overreal dream, ended up wakin at 7. rewoke again at 11. ran all over town tryin to get gift cards verified, look up specs for flat screen tvs, mail out some stuff, and generally run errands some more in spite of the freak loss of internet yday. also jim belushi was at copley place today-he's kinda balding.

back to base to fix the net, took 2 hours, avoided some bills while settling others. some cookin, cleanin and workin on future apps fer jobbin. needin to be a lil more patient and productive in snowy an slow days.


not sure what to say tday, but pluggin an agenda for an agenda simply doesn't work. businesses fail and causes stand still cause folks don't see the bigger picture. yes, it's understood that sometimes things are done to be done, but at this point in human societal evolution, most ppl kinda expect more.

though, i guess i'm a fool fer folks to make them happier. spendin the last couple days with family kinda proved it...


should make a show where 6 people raise money for 6 different causes, and they run it like a documentary/game show, but actually have some purpose for doin all this.

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