Sunday, May 31, 2009

scrambled eggs, ham, ketchup, arizona iced tea

as long as you don't let time define you, you are free. so begins my hypothesis of whether we are not rats in a cage.

woke up this mornin, but shoulder was hurtin. hit the snooze button and woke at 1:30. made some breakfast, then headed out to wrentham outlets fer the first time ever.

points of interest there:
kids grew up way too fast now. muscle shirts for 7 year olds and way too much skin.

not sure in what direction the economy's headin. the high end stuff was barely touched, but steady market fer consumer electronics.

in front of fragrance market, an old lady smoking.

consumerism is overwhelming. forces peope to make bad decisions based on savin money and increasin value.

way too many families out here.

...why am i in the mood to play RC right now?

neways, comin back to base fer a nap. hopfly tmr wont get oppressive.

Monday, May 25, 2009

quic pic bbq, delivered

late night conversations usually end up either in triumph or disaster. fer me, it's usually both at the same time.

woke up early, then late, because of a false snooze. phone rang at 12, callin to hang out. chilled at my place fer a few hours, then went to the wrap up of anime boston. went to best buy after to look fer a cooling fan and to play some games. newbiry comics after, where a whole new plethora of info came at me.

comin back to base, when the rain fell like a brick. took a shower and when i was done, the sun was out again...plannin again, and need to be responsible some more. stomach pains..


pleasantries can come from the oddest of folks and places. my peace comes not at a time or place, but when no forces outside or in are pushing at me. when the flow is right, you'll know it.


I dont know what they want from me
Its like the more money we come across
The more problems we see.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

dinner for breakfast

hmm...i want more ties for my collection.

spent 1/2 the day in bed. woke up, went to a party, then came back to base. bored, and my eye's irritated.


now i too want to leave.


get crunk with it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sausage links, bad bao, orange juice

swine flu today, diarrhea tomorrow.

woke up this morn, caught the early sun at 6 am, but wanted to wake at 10...bah. phone calls, and cleanin up the base. went to prudential, chilled fer a bit, and saw the boredom. went to twigs after, some din and games, then back to base. compiled a list of tradables and now kinda wastin time. thirsty.


tday, i heard two of the most thought provoking questions: so, how are you wasting your life today? and ...are you a Christ-follower?

the first question was under the pretense of sarcasm, but yeah...gotta get my life on track. gotta get old, get the monies, and get busy.

the second sounds so simple, a yes or no can suffice. people usually answer it by probin deeper and say no, and on the surface, yes. hmm, my problem is with the question itself.

to ask are you a (insert word here) seems to imply a fixed identity. as we know, it's not all that simple. a simple question can get a simple answer-are you male or female? but to ask a question about one's lifestyle, one's's not a yes i am, or no i'm not. usually it's a yes i am, and i am also this, or a no i'm not, and i am also this.

we are not something stapled in time-constantly we are changing. tonight, we must ask who we are, and who we are to be.


time is two dimensional until further notice

Sunday, May 10, 2009

li wong bao, arizona sweet tea

yo, not to take shots at ppl, but what about those women who can't have kids? what a bad way to rub it in...

slept at 3:30 while beatin up ninjas and rabbits. woke to go to service, and was out of it fer a while. someone snuck up on me after and grabbed my love handles...awkward. sunday school and a lil bit of lunch. can't do pictures at all...

went to puma city with dan, charlotte, and katie. came back to church fer some bball, then came back to base to chill with ivan. ate some food, exercised and played some games. need to plan out the week, and really REALLY...need a job.


i believed you when you didn't try. would you believe me when i do?


summer day, driftin those saturday nights?

Monday, May 4, 2009

donuts-jelly, powdered, and stale

weather's not puttin a damper on my plans, only the people are.

woke up to a weird dream involving flashback with a friend. went back to bed, then woke up once again, lookin to catch some ppl fore they went to do somethin. no one around, so headed to pandy.

at pandy, lot less ppl than before. new and old enemies round, mix in a dose of idiocy and false egotism, plus a dash of failure and that would pretty much sum up the afternoon.

came back to base, whomped on ivan, ate dinner, cleaned up base, and gettin yelled at fer the bills. lookin to be a smidge more productive later on this week. it'll defly start by gettin to sleep earlier...

some ppl have not and perhaps will not change. tryin to fix them, i see a brick wall, raging futility and a tear inside that in the end, they've resorted to only being themselves. my power (or advantage, strength, whatever you wanna call it) doesn't lie in expertise, but more about bein different and comin from a diffrent angle.

ppl don't like it; they complain and moan, and comment about the folly and outlandish way things are done. but it works. gonna be on my own grind from now on, not waitin up for slackers who wanna slack, and quite frankly, i'm sick of ppl wantin to waddle in the mud, when clearly there's a better way.


people need labels for what they don't understand.