Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 1 of being in Charlotte, NC

It's been a while since I was on a plane to somewhere, and I didn't have anything on my agenda. Getting out of the office was a refreshing change of pace, even though it's only been the first day.
The airport was fun. Instead of getting X-rayed, I let them pat me down and it wasn't as titilating as I thought it'd be.
The flight involved gorging myself on bags of Popcorners, which apparently is a new way of making popcorn, but into chip form. There was a Rick James documentary on VH1 and MTV Countdown of the most expensive Cribs ever. I didn't know that Richard Branson had his own private island. There were a lot of good ideas to decorate a house, but the Van Gogh paintings are a bit out of my budget.
There are huge bugs in North Carolina.
This room is awesome. If only I could get the normal internet working, then we'd be back in business. The lights are kinda dim though.
We're sorta in the middle of nowhere. It's an office park-like community, where there are schools, condos, businesses and stuff all around. It's like the area in Wellington, except without buses.
The weather is really nice too, but I hear it's gonna rain in the coming days. There's also a tornado warning but I don't think it'll touch down here.
There are only a couple hours left before hitting the sack. Time to make use of the fitness center, and then crash hard.

Posted via email from Bloodscope Economics

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