Thursday, February 9, 2012

QT reflection 2/6/12

How often do we look to the law to break the rules? Sounds funny, right?
I've been using this book I borrowed from Lee Yih to do daily devotionals. Most, if not all, of the reflections have some sort of practical application in terms of character, internals, and understanding the nature of Christianity on a day-to-day basis. In one of the things I read, I came across the idea of how if "we follow the 10 Commandments, then the requirements of the Law are satisfied." It makes sense that if we glorify God and don't screw over our neighbors, then we can be held blameless for what we do.
Often, I find myself being able or wanting to bend the rules without breaking them. Games are a prime example in our culture where's it's accepted and expected for you to do so. How far and to what depths of actions will you go through in order to achieve what you want?

Posted via email from Bloodscope Economics

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