Thursday, July 29, 2010

And we're back!....

...not only from Canada but to the blogosphere.

It was good that I got to take time off from all the mundane activity of looking for work and confusing reads over the internet. The country air, atmosphere and different culture, combined with stepping away from the internet and radio allowed my head to clear up. The long car rides across the borders gave me time to really appreciate and meditate the time I was given.

I guess the first thought that came to mind was the example of parenthood. Details came in before, during, and after the trip concerning how my father parents his kids. It's funny really, because it's like watching life unravel in real time, even if it's as silly as telling kids to keep it quiet or dealing with disputes. Watching him take care of all of us-it was certainly pleasant and comforting, even if that experience came a lot later than it probably should have.

Relating to that thought is the remedying of that feeling of a second family. Whether or not legality comes into play, it's tough to ignore blood. Home is what you make of it though, and even if it's so far away, knowing that you've a place there-you can't really ask for more.

Aside from spending half the time in a moving cage with five other people, we actually got to tour some cool places. Unfortunately I don't remember most of them, because most of them were in French. Also I had went on a frenzy for true Canadian franchise items, such as Chez Ashton, Tim Hortons, and poutine, which didn't have the beef gravy I was looking for.

Regardless of that, Canada in those parts isn't really much different from the States. Without getting into a big rant, I think it's partially due to all the global corporations trying to replicate the same experience across the world. A McDonalds looks and feels like a Mickie D's here. Clothing stores still have that elitist feel, and everywhere you can find tacky tourist items along with "hip rebellious slogans and graphics". However the case, folks still like fast food, clothing, entertainment, etc. We have those tastes embedded in us: the culture may be different but life finds its way all the same.

Nevertheless, the vacation is over and I'm back on the grind. Looking for work is indeed a full-time job. Luckily I'm my own boss for now, and it's been a relaxing time, but I dread this feeling once again...nothing is ever settled in this world.

Posted via email from Bloodscope Economics

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