Thursday, December 4, 2008

startin somin new

well, i was mulling over the past weeks and so, and thought "hmm, i am somewhat uncomfortable with talking with people. gotta work on my social skills and also train to be a politician (a good honest one, not the typical lying, spinning, hiding type)". think i'm pretty transparent, but could still work on it some.

to accomplish this, i'll be starting what i call TTS or Truth Telling Saturdays. on the second and fourth saturday of each month, approach me with any question, and i'll answer it to the best of my ability, no hiding, no reforming words or messages, straight up truth. can be about anything, and can be through any medium-mail, message, speech, picture, whatever. as long as it reaches me on those days, i'll take care of it on the spot. TTS also extends to holidays too, cause the truth takes no holiday.

it's good to have an unburdened mind and conscience (1 Corinthians 4:4), and frankly, the world could operate a whole lot better without the walls and barriers we put up, either through our speech or actions. even the image we give off may hide many things. stop fronting, stop sugar coating your words, and start living the way one ought to live...untouchable by men, open to all peoples, and genuine in your walks

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