Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Small Group Reflections 6/6/12

I'm not sure how to process this all. Being faithful to something while being faithless doesn't seem like the right path to go. It all looks so disjunctive and not flowing correctly.

If there were any confirmation of thought yesterday, it is that God constantly tells us to defy and go against the grain in terms of conventional wisdom, of strength being inverted in the face of humility, that a savior would not come in the form of a warrior, but rather a man who seemingly came to accept his fate.

I am disturbed by people who opt to speak as wise men, but sound like fools (present company included).

At the end of the day, it seems that our causes, our purpose, our desires - they need to be validating and validated, and also that our source of strength, our reliance or what we can depend on must give us assurance, and give others assurance too.

I feel like taking on the world today. Earthly consequences, pain, shame, grief, doubt - they appear to fly out the window of the mind.

Posted via email from Bloodscope Economics

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