Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Weekend

History repeats itself because I don't learn from my mistakes, or because I want to relive it again.

Saturday morning started out quiet, playing video games and learning guitar. I still have trouble playing a D chord with the 4th finger. I might need a finger extension, or some extra bones.

After that, I went to Morse Fish Co. again for lunch, ordering the fried Catfish at the last moment. Going well with ketchup, I killed a couple more hours at base, before heading out to see Immortal Technique. It was the first time going to a hip-hop concert, so I was looking forward to it, even though the place was pretty small. At this point, I realized I locked myself out of the house again when trying to get a Hubway bike.

The concert was great. I saw names like Poison Pen, Mad Hoffa, The Circle, Diabolik, and Pumpkinhead. There was a lot of energy, humor, showmanship, and technical delivery, though a lot of the cliches of hip-hop were present as well. Nevertheless, it gave me much material to reflect upon.

After the concert, I headed downtown to Burger King. There's a Yelp review ( which you can check out in case you need laughs.

Sunday was full of BBQ, roast pork, pie, and diet Dr. Pete (which I highly recommend because it tastes like vanilla). We spent most of the time at our cousins' place playing Halo 2, Mortal Kombat, driving sims, and a whole bunch of other old school video games. Apparently, my cousins are into this new thing called "Minecraft". Crazy kids...

Back at work now, and now I have to catch up from everything on the weekend. Hopefully, base didn't turn into an aquarium...

Posted via email from Bloodscope Economics

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