Wednesday, September 23, 2009

part 2 of peanuts, mucho mango

on the way back to base from crossroads, i saw a transvestite or a really mannish woman on the bus.

wasn't really so bad. the flow was kinda slow, but allowed for a lot of thinking. the group schematic seems kinda indifferent/fearful, but i can see potential anywhere. the talk about leadership, proper qualities and direction got me thinkin about how ready and how relevant all of it really is.

at the same time though, the way things panned out kinda put a damper on my mood, but again, not everything that seems right feels good, vice-versa. it's ok though-it's only my purpose to question and to live. to understand the higherness of it all is our roles.

needin to get rid of the munchies, so mystery late dinner tnight. hope i'm not knocked out to the point where i can't wake fer work...again..d'oh!

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