Wednesday, September 16, 2009

forgot my breakfast, oh wells :P

is it wrong if i got a tattoo on my butt that says "michael jackson was here"?

woke up the mornin, took care of some forums and business. comp's been kinda slow, need to defrag/improve/clean clutter.

went out to pande fer some gamin/tradin. came into some close calls in the tourney but at least made some gains. ridiculous last couple of rounds though.

came back to base, late dinner. set up skype fer parents, and talk with friends some. wantin to live like i could have 2 weeks ago, but it's arigh. empty house kinda bums me out.


my mood has been generally improving, even when no cash flow or ppl go. it's bein able to flow freely that's givin me a boost. hopfly things pick up and i'll be able to travel some, without worryin that things'll collapse around me.

not rubbin it in to no one, it's that...stress is really nothin, unless you're actually like physically hampered.


we can't help anyone who doesn't want to help themselves. get out your box, and into my circle :)

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