Wednesday, August 19, 2009

fried rice crossover, raspberry grape juice

haven't blogged fer bout a month. kinda noted the deficiency in my minds..

woke up this morn, shoulders still hurtin. cleaned up some stuff and realized that i lost my saved session fer firefox. back to job huntin the ol fashioned way.

met up with a friend at davis, had lunch and walked round fer a bit. went to prudential to check what was goin down, then back to base before goin to crossroads.

was there till end of the night, chillin at base now.


the prolems that plagued the fellowship 10 years ago-they still hit even now as we're old and grown. various accounts from ppl i can trust is that there really is no end to this.

we gotta find ways to reach out with one another and not so much in the "hi, how you doing?" standard-esque way. it sucks though that in a sea of people, i too wanna look fer a smaller group of ppl to communicate with. but i guess the number is also irrelevant-1 or 1 million works fer me.


she's the prettiest girl in the room, i swear. and she doesn't even know it. gotta remind her, but in what way?

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