Thursday, August 27, 2009

blueberry muffin, orange juice

sigh, i find right now the overabundant reasoning fer me to wake up is to seek money. feelin hollowed out, when i imagine the weight of the world really out there.

woke up and did some cleanin. took care some bills and other mailings, spent all day on the forums, knowin that i shouldn't have. exercised fer a bit, need to gather some more items. not sure what planned tmr, but feel like runnin, somwhere, fer some reason. the gut kinda makes me do it.


not sure what i'm lookin fer right now. dreams are still here with me, but they won't get done if it's only the "1 man, 1 drive" mentality. how can i be the cog in the gearwork that works the machine in society?

guess i'm a lil cranked out that originality flew out the window in many aspects of life. tnight, edward kennedy died. they said, he was a fighter. ok, and now what? timeline's a long element, and ppl mourn, and then move on. a speck of dust on a infinite inch flat screen tv.


life's cruel joke-grow to get to the skies as we get older, in which we start shrinking to and into the ground.

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