Thursday, May 27, 2010

breakfast bun filled with chocolate, 7-Eleven iced tea

got a sunburn at night. that's all i gotta say here.

woke up actually at the right time tday, even though i passed out from last night. headed out to Dorchester to help someone via Taskrabbit. quick job, and i think i met a new friend. took the train to Andrew station, dropped off some papers, then came back to base. pickin up the rap routine, gettin inspiration from everyone and everything. some lulz at Mass ave ensued when i was racially profiled, in the good way, which was kinda messed up.

but anyways, came back to base, slept fer a bit, then CR'd it. some odd discussions involving criminal systems, fair treatment, and what direction immigration should go. came back home, everyone was rantin bout how the celtics got screwed-i decided to not care, and spend time with friends instead.


screw it, i dunno what to say here tnight, except once again, my life isn't as interestin as others. perhaps my role in life is to assist others to a better one.


my guts left as you came at the scene. my heart grew soft, cause your eyes have that gleam. the fear versus fabled future, i'm caught in between. not a saint yet, but i'm becoming pristine.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

life reject cereal, orange juice, How to Rap

as someone politely put it tnight, i do not do mainstream things; is this why i am an outsider?

woke up at 8 instead of 10 cause someone decided to unlock my door and check to see if i was sleepin. broke thru my alarm a bit and ended up wakin at 11. had some breakfast fer a bit, played some games, reviewed some emails. finished up the hip-hop book, and now lookin to start a piece.

to Andy's place fer TWIGS. cooled down a bit, reflected a lil bit about changing attitudes and reminders of what we need to pray fer. hung around fer a bit, played some Bang! and Rock Band, followed by sittin around the tables at Parish Cafe II. lots of lulz there, but thru stories rather than thru sights.

back to base, tryin to plan out tmr. seems like the afternoon's booked up fer a bit. hopin the night plays out right.


by personal request from "Matt", whose blog you can check out at, i'm gonna muse about the night lady in tremont st. she and a few others you've prolly seen in the streets, lookin thru your trash, seeking cans and other goods that ppl have thrown out yet can be of some use to them.

(No lie, this stuff needs to flow into 16 bars)

Ma'am, i saw you when the lights shine low and when the winter breeze blows.
I've walked past many times, wonderin if your actions are mere crimes.
In those cold common confrontations, i've come to these simple summations.
Although some seem at first in haste, it don't mean i've ripped them from anyplace.

Perhaps it's all work, dirty as it be, so she can support her family.
Or maybe she's bored more than ever before, so she tips trash trying fer that one big score.
Or maybe she's smart, pounding pavement, pushing packages to set herself apart.
I admit, I hadn't tried too hard to read the realities of her heart.

Point being through it all, I can't judge, or make that judgment call.
But poverty and problems lie amongst us, no matter how big or small.
It can't hurt to halt, help, hold a hand and reach out.
To learn of hers or a new story, to really get that truth out.

So maybe next time, or next week, when i'm walkin down columbus or tremont street,
i'll act upon my words, do somin small, get her somin to eat.
And it'll be ok, whether she likes vegan, fish or meat.
She deserves to be happy and not feel like dreadful defeat.


small talk isn't my forte, and i'm not sorry to say that things will be ok. but please don't go, c'mon and stay. see what surprises i've got fer you today.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Regular TKO from Chicken Lou's, Arizona sweet tea

what is poverty? are we in it now? or are we unaware? is it only relative to what everyone else has, or is there a cutoff line? what is the black and white? (and yes, i took into account that stupid poverty line but i'm not feelin it at all.

woke up late to grab some breakfast, so decided to make Chicken Lou's both breakfast and lunch combined. got the TKO, which i thought was only one type of sandwich, but apparently it differs in amount of sauce (the others being called the Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight). silly me, i got the wrong one. hung around at mugar quad eatin lunch, catchin up with people and watchin folks embarrass themselves through ultimate ninja. lulz to them all leavin their stuff unattended :)

was at Curry fer a bit, playin pool and such. ran into an ol high school friend who destroyed all of us at the table. headed to Andy's place to chill for a bit-Rock Band and Starcraft 2 all up in that monkey. walked back to base later in my Air Forces while watchin some kids play on construction materials and equipment.

had a dinner of cereal and Arizona Tropical mix, while playin some games and writin my Yelp! review for Cafe de Lulu. can check it out under Fat G. gettin back into the groove of things, but need to clean up later on. rough week ahead, full of nothin, some hopes, and maybe more exercise, given i don't get sick again.


my obsession with wanting what no one else wants is crippling, to say the least. societal interactions hampered. hopefully this gets sorted out before i become 100% pariah, as opposed to the 80% i am now.

still, there's something special and somethin to be said for someone who's lookin for that somethin else different. somethin that's not wanted and praised over by society.


(wonders what is the tipping point...what would really let you know that i love you?). maybe it's been goin down all wrong-a poem, a rhyme, a love song? or perhaps you gotta see that i can be strong and not hurtful all along.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

sweet bread

if i said i love you now, i wouldn't know why, and neither would you.

woke up this mornin at 8:15, renapped, woke at 8:45, reslept and woke at 10:10 to head to church. snacked and chatted fer a bit before goin to sunday school. learned about differences in sexes. brought up and thought up some intriguing questions.

had lunch at cafe de lulu, a new place in chi-town. lulzfest and so-so food. chilled fer a bit at youth lounge while playing super nintendo. got my shoes from z, and more lulz by a different group of folk. went to royal palace fer some eats and drinks, and saw the secret hideout near the highway. some bball fer a bit, and then back to base.

rest of the night involving gaming, and some pretty interesting convos with folks bout sunday school. other recaps through the night and hearin some old music, recovered and remixed. tryin to plan out tmr, hopfly it doesn't make me any fatter than i aready am.


the sunday school we talked about tday and carryin on to the next couple of weeks is about gender roles, sexes-the when, where, what, and why. my table, not gonna lie, wasn't real helpful with the whole differential thinking. lookin for various minds to open up, teach me something, show me somethin new.

the question i thought up, but ner got answered yet, was whether we have something innate that makes us male and female. not talking bout the obvious things like body parts, and not even things like our actions (whether something looks male or female), but rather is gender something deeper? is our spirit, our thoughts...can they be distinctive like that?


can i start over again with you, if i try hard enough? or you let me show you a true love?