Tuesday, June 23, 2009

strawberry milkshake whoppers

what do you care about more? the achieving, or the achievement?

woke up to get prepped fer the drivin test. cut my hand while reachin for my keys. checked out some fb before i left. was waitin around at the ymca fer a bit, played some old school music via blackberry.

did my driving test, almost failed it, but was saved by "my character" and for the fact the instructor mercifully passed me. stuck around the rmv to get things done, then back to base for meal.

headed to pru to gather some more materials. then off to pande, and gettin annoyed. came back to base, fail at games, and hunger. now...to become a semi-adult.


simply put, don't let money get in the way of friendship. ppl live and die by the numbers for the numbers. spill their red for the green.


fake reality, versus real fakeness....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

hash browns, strawberry smoothie

3rd day of interning, and i've fallen into a rut.

woke up this mornin to get to work. got a smoothie from honey dew donuts fer the heck of it. fer some reason, it tasted of meat and lingered of cigarettes. the bus was a lil late since of miscommunications at logan.

been fillin the day readin what is essentially an econ textbook. some of it review, some of it new stuff. also checkin out what to side deck later on. had an ok lunch at this japanese place, while havin a frank discussion about future career goals. checked out the park, and the museum they have around it; think olde city. came back to the office and read some articles about strategic management and japanese business models. also took some lessons on war.

dunno how the rest of the day's gonna pan out, except i know fer sure not to touch the dog anymore, lest i want my arm humped again.